Why Twitter Uses Java
We were originally a Rails shop, and I believe we are the largest Rails site in the world, but as we’ve grown as an organization, and as a service, performance and encapsulation have become very critical. I wouldn’t say that Rails has served as poorly in any way, it’s just that we outgrew it very quickly. So there are two things about Rails that make it no longer ideal for our situation.
First, the Ruby runtime is slow, particularly in comparison to the JVM. We’ve worked hard on the garbage collector to get reasonable performance.And also the LAMP model that Rails embodies, where you have a set of tiers each of which only talks to the one above and below, and no vertical encapsulation, doesn’t serve a large organization like us very well.
As we’ve been focusing on performance and encapsulation, we’ve fixed performance problems as necessary, with caches, or working on the VMs.
The majority of requests on Twitter go through Rails right now, but as we build new services, if we choose to build them from scratch, in order to achieve better encapsulation we move them into the JVM, because the performance concerns outweigh any sort of productivity or agility downside those languages might have. So when we re-built Tweet storage we built it in Gizzard as a homogenous service, it exposes a domain interface, and that’s a Scala system that partitions and manages uncoordinated MySQL nodes. So that effectively eliminated ActiveRecord use for tweets from the core Rails stack.
The same with the queue; when we wanted to rebuild it and re-encapsulate it for performance reasons we wrote it on JVM. So as those kind of lightweight, service-oriented projects proceed, more and more concerns are being taken out of the core Rails application.
On the opposite side, as we’ve moved the render code into browser-based JavaScript, we no longer get much benefit from Rails’ templating model for building web pages. So we’re pulling concerns out from both sides, and when rewrite them it makes sense to rewrite them in a faster stack, because performance is so critical for us. We’re one of the largest websites in the world, but run on a very small hardware footprint compared to other big dynamic sites.