Reading Note on The Pragmatic Programmer
- 《Unix编程艺术》(准备看)
- 《代码大全2》(正在看)
- 《卓有成效的程序员》(评估后再决定)
- 《Elements of Programming Style》(要看,推荐语)
- 《Large-Scale C++ Software Design》 (待评估)
- 《算法》(已买,有空看)
- 《重构》 (重读)
- 《Object Oriented Software Construction, 2nd edition》 (太厚,太基础,要读吗?1300多页)
- 《设计模式》(重读)
- 《分析模式》(检查是否在书库)
- 《Dynamics of Software Development》(文章,可读)
- 《Effective Java》(要读)
- 信息的多种表示
- 糟糕的代码才需要许多注释
- DRY法则告诉我们,要把低级的知识放在代码中,把注释保留给高级的说明
- 语言问题
- 无耐性的重复
- 开发者之间的重复。
Test State Coverage, not Code Coverage 这一条确实第一次知道,查阅网络,有相关的论文如下,需要学习一下,1,2
1. Care About Your Craft
2. Think! About Your Work
3. Provide Options, Don't Make Lame Excuses
4. Don't Live with Broken Windows
5. Be a Catalyst for Change
6. Remember the Big Picture
7. Make Quality a Requirements Issue
8. Invest Regularly in Your Knowledge Portfolio
9. Critically Analyze What You Read and Hear
10. It's Both What You Say and the Way You Say it
11. DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
12. Make It Easy to Reuse
13. Eliminate Effects Between Unrelated Things
14. There Are No Final Decisions
15. Use Tracer Bullets to Find the Target
16. Prototype to Learn
17. Program Close to Problem Domain
18. Estimate to Avoid Surprises
19. Iterate the Schedule with the Code
20. Keep Knowledge in Plain Text
21. Use the Power of Command Shells
22. Use a Single Editor Well
23. Always Use Source Code Control
24. Fix the Problem, Not the Blame
25. Don't Panic
26. "Select" Isn't Broken
27. Don't Assume It - Prove It
28. Learn a Text Manipulation Language
29. Write Code That Writes Code
30. You Can't Write Perfect Software
31. Design with Contracts
32. Crash Early
33. If It Can't Happen, Use Assertions to Ensure That It Won't
34. Use Exceptions for Exceptional Problems
35. Finish What You Start
36. Minimize Coupling Between Modules
37. Configure, Don't Integrate
38. Put Abstractions in Code, Details in Meta-data
39. Analyze Workflow to Improve Concurrency
40. Design Using Services
41. Always Design for Concurrency
42. Separate Views from Models
43. Use Blackboards to Coordinate Workflow
44. Don't Program by Coincidence
45. Estimate the Order of Your Algorithms
46. Test Your Estimates
47. Refactor Early, Refactor Often
48. Design to Test
49. Test Your Software, or Your Users Will
50. Don't Use Wizard Code You Don't Understand
51. Don't Gather Requirements - Dig for them
52. Work with a User to Think Like a User
53. Abstractions Live Longer than Details
54. Use a Project Glossary
55. Don't Think Out of Box - Find the Box
56. Listen to Nagging Doubts - Start When You're Ready
57. Some Things Are Better Done than Described
58. Don't Be a Slave to Formal Methods
59. Expensive Tools Do Not Produce Better Designs
60. Organize Around Functionalities, Not Job Functions
61. Don't Use Manual Procedures
62. Test Early. Test Often. Test Automatically.
63. Coding Ain't Done 'Til All the Tests Run
64. Use Saboteurs to Test Your Testings
65. Test State Coverage, not Code Coverage
66. Find Bugs Once
67. Treat English as Just Another Programming Language
68. Build Documentation In. Don't Bolt It On
69. Gently Exceed Your Users' Expectations
70. Sign Your Work
- 总体上,行文还算通顺,有些地方比较拗口,质量有改进空间。
- P13:古鲁(Guru),这样翻译有一些宗教的意味,在技术书籍里读起来有点怪,不如翻译成“大师”。Guru字典里有”上师”、“导师”、“大师”、“专家”、“领袖”和“古鲁”的译法,在计算机领域,一般Guru指的是个人能力很强、有思想和见地、在社区里享有盛誉的专家(行家),因为专家过于正式化,还是使用“大师”比较好。
- P29: 远地访问,此处应为“远程访问”,原文应该是remote。
P34: “中流换马(Change horse in midstream)”:中文应该没有这个成语,查阅词典,可以选择“中途改变策略”。英文中的习语不见得要直译照搬。参考翻译:
- 中途改变策略
- 临阵换将
- 中途换马,中途改变计划
- 在危急中作出重大的变动
P43: 遮蔽特定的解决方案,这个不通,原文是Cover吗?如果是的话,可以译成“涵盖”、“包含”或“涉及”。
- P46: screen scraping 翻译成“刮屏”?翻译成“屏幕抓取”更好
- P78: flat翻译成“平板”,不正确,可以译为“平面文件”
- P87: precondition和postcondition翻译成前置条件、后置条件较好
- P89: method signature 翻译成“方法型构”?中文里没这个词吧,还不如“签名”好,可能有更好的翻译方法
- P92: policiy 拼写错误
- P111: Law of Demeter 一般翻译成“迪米特法则”
- P115: “折中”,还是“折衷”,是不是太随意了?
- P117: “软和”,是不是“柔软”更合适?
- P119: 商业逻辑, 一般翻译成业务逻辑
- P173: 做活路?
- P177: 规范如果翻译自Spec,可以译成“说明”,规范一般是Convention